It all began normally enough, closing the ring around my testicles, sliding the pin through, putting on the cage and locking up Princess’s cock and then a call to the Stroke Princess. But this time it would be a little different… a little blue pill different!

When i finally did wake up i noticed the Viagra was still working, in fact working even better than when i had first taken it. Just the slightest thought of Princess and i was busting out all over.
Well that afternoon sitting in another airport i wrote “On the Edge Again” for My Stroke Princess. It was so frickin’ exciting writing it! i sent it to Princess. She replied back telling me how much She loved it and that She needed another one, so i wrote “My Pet”. We talked again that night and She told me that She was going to make them into MP3’s for Tease Time! She also made me take another pill, teased me about how helpless i was “all locked away” and asked if i was ready to do anything. i said “of course Princess, i will do anything!” And because of that i spent the next day writing two more stories!
i couldn’t wait until Tease Time! Of course all my fantasies include Princess, but to hear that voice of Her’s telling them back to me was more than i could take! And then another call with Princess. She could tell how worked up Her pet was getting and to have Her say “awwwwwww poor baby” didn’t help much. “Why don’t you take another one of your pills dear?” She suggested. And then as if spending the whole day hard as a rock, writing erotic tales, staring at pictures of my Princess, and hearing Princess’s voice telling my stories back to me wasn’t enough, She decided to read the two new one’s i had just written to me over the phone! But that wasn’t the way She was going to send me off to bed… oh no, no, no. “Before you fall asleep i want you to look at some more pictures of your Stroke Princess and listen to ‘Hiccup’ not once, but two times!”
Princess asked me what time my first meeting was the next morning and i told Her i actually was free until check out at noon. Little did i know how much misery that harmless bit of information was going to cause me?
i awoke at 6am, still hard as ever. i tossed and turned hoping to fall back to sleep until Princess called, but there was no way. All those erotic fantasies, Tease Time, the pills and my cage! All i could do was wait, hope and pray that Princess would call soon. An hour passed and so did a round of MP3’s again from Tease Time along with “Hiccup” one more time. i am not sure what possessed me to think that would help!
And then another hour passed and i was starting to break. i checked the phone to see if it might have been off the hook. i couldn’t help but fidget with the lock and tried to find a way to stroke myself, but my balls were so swollen there was no way to even get a finger back there. And then i finally gave in… i took a cold shower!
i tried to kill some time by ironing some shirts and packing up some of my stuff hoping that domestic chores would keep my mind off of the predicament i found myself in. And it did for about another hour, but i just couldn’t take it anymore. i sent Princess a text message, ”i am starting to cry Princess” hoping She would hear me. Followed by another simple one word message 15 minutes later… “ANYTHING”. But the phone never range.
i just laid there on my bed, writhing in absolute anguish. Listening to Her voice again on those MP3’s working myself up into an even greater frenzy. i was totally, completely taken by Princess. Not just physically, even though i was a helpless wreck. Not just figuratively, wearing the pink collar of my Princess. But mentally… the Mindfucktress had me begging… pleading… crying!
At last, after nearly four hours of my own personal torment, the phone rang! It was Princess finally! She was giggling so much! “Why my pet, you can’t even talk can you? All you can do is...” “Stammer Princess?” i said.
“I’ve never heard you like this pantysue.”
“I’ve never been like this Princess!”
i had been locked up for two and three times as long, been subjected to lap dances with my cage on and countless other tasks, but i had never, ever been reduced to such a helpless state, so wanting and needy for my Princess.
“Before you take off that cage, i want you to put in your Aneros. Awww poor baby, how does that feel?” All i could was beg, “Please Princess…”
“Take off that lock, but not the cage.” It was a plastic lock, since i had gone through security several times. They usually snap right off, but i was shaking so, that it took what seemed like an eternity to get it off, and all the while Princess was giggling with delight and what She had done to me. Finally it came off!
“Don’t take the cage off yet, kneel down. Remember, your eyes shall never be higher than my breasts, isn’t that right my pet?”
“Yes Princess,” and i took my appropriate place kneeling before Her.
“Okay now you can go ahead and take it off,” Princess so graciously allowed me.
“But it hurts Princess, it’s so tight.”
“you will probably need some lube,” She advised with a giggle.
i was so hard and swollen that i could barely get the thing off. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and Princess just continued to revel in my pain.
“Now take the ring off, it’s probably swollen there too isn’t it. And how does that feel?”
“So wonderful. Thank You Princess!”
“Now go ahead and stroke it for me, stroke my cock.”
And then Princess starts whispering a medley of fantasies to me. Talking about being helplessly attached to a milking machine. Worshiping Her, adoring Her, doing anything for Her.
i can feel it building inside of me and i begin to moan. Princess always has me moan like a girl when i cum for Her, but this time it wasn’t make believe. Perhaps it was listening to the Hiccup MP3 and Princess’s moaning as She came, but it went on and on uncontrollably. i couldn’t stop quivering and moaning and Princess just kept giggling and giggling.
i could tell She loved the way She had total control over me, and by giving myself over to Her, i experienced the most excruciatingly delicious, erotically tormenting, salaciously sadistic, wickedly blissful orgasm i have ever had!
Thank You Princess!