As much as i love the holiday season with Christmas, New Years, skiing, my birthday and football to enjoy, it also means i don’t get any time to spend with my beloved Princess. This has been the longest i have been away from Her since… well, since forever! i am soooooooo hoping that She will honor me with some time this evening. Just take a look at this perfect vision of a Stroke Princess…

Who needs Football when you could play in
Princess Grace’s BCS (Big Cock Stroke) Championship!
i do want to thank all of my friends from Cum-unity Kink Chat who have helped keep me sane while i have been going through Princess withdrawals these long cold winter weeks… my sweet sis jemmie, billy bear, pothead, lucky, ace, Mike, shrimpy, asia (go Sens), tifffy and krissi… and then there is chastie whose chained saga was wonderful to follow (hope Princess doesn’t get any ideas though)… and cg, serena, little giselle, Kc, kel, worthlessdick and Frank… i never realized i had so many friends!... and of course Lisa whose pictures are an inspiration to sissies everywhere!
As much as i love chatting with all of you… if i am not in chat tonight, maybe, just maybe, Princess is rooting for me with Her favorite cheer …
Rah, rah, rah
Sissy boobs and bra
pantysue’s in her cock cage
Awww poor baby… Awww!
Goooooooooooo Princess!!!!!